left off passengersの例文
scare off passengers
The fire didn't seem to scare off passengers on the Eurostar trains. That probably scared off passengers, experts said, costing yet more money. Besides scaring off passengers, crashes the ......

left off
The present Democratic President is picking up where Carter left off. Defense attorney Johnnie Cochran took up where his colleague left off. I was glad I could pick up where I left off. Th......

off in left field
But he added that what Microsoft has proposed so far is " barely in the stadium, way off in left field in the bleacher seats ." If I feel " hey, might I be off in left field somewhere ? ",......

right where we left off
We seem to have picked up right where we left off last year. We picked up right where we left off, " he says. And we've picked up right where we left off ." We picked up right where we lef......

confederal group of the european united left - nordic green left
He sits with the Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left On 1 July 2013, after Croatia joins the European Union, Vuljani was sworn in as full MEP . After becoming ......

european united left - nordic green left
He sits with the Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left She was elected as independent with the Communist Refoundation Party ticket and sits with the European Unite......

left right left
Singh started her career with " Left Right Left " as Akriti Bhat. After he played in Left Right Left as Ali, he appeared in Amber Dhara. He has been credited the dialogue writer for Left R......

off off broadway
She chose to appear Off Off Broadway in " Second Lady," Definitively offbeat, the festival could be called down-downtown, as in Off Off Broadway. Several darkly comic plays of Ball's were ......

off show off
Off show off

off-floor trading; off-board trading
Off - floor trading ; off - board trading

samuel french off off broadway short play festival
The play was adapted from a one-act version, which won the 40th Annual Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival ( 2015 ).

accommodate passengers
Le Havre opened a new terminal to accommodate passengers in optimum conditions. United said it would work to accommodate passengers already holding tickets to India. The Kruger was a small......

arriving and departing passengers
In 2005, the international terminal was altered, separating arriving and departing passengers. The service is available both for arriving and departing passengers. Provisions are made to f......

arriving passengers
Arriving passengers ( deplanements ) were up 7.08 % at 33, 395. The upper level connects the departing and arriving passengers to the airplane. _Eliminate a 45-minute deadline in which air......

bill passengers
Valley Metro will use a credit-processing company to bill passengers.

carriage of passengers
In 1855 an Act of Parliament authorised the carriage of passengers. A motorail wagon was also attached for the carriage of passengers'motor vehicles. Carriage of passengers ceased in 1970.......

carriage of passengers act
It primarily dealt with the applicability of provisions of the Carriage of Passengers Act to ships arriving in Mexico and Central America. With support from President Franklin Pierce, the ......

carriage of passengers act of 1855
The Steerage Act of 1819, and all the other Acts regulating conditions of travel passed after that, were repealed and superseded by the Carriage of Passengers Act of 1855, passed March 3, ......

carriage of passengers by sea
Article 110 the passage ticket serves as an evidence that a contract of carriage of passengers by sea has been entered into " luggage " means any article or vehicle shipped by the carrier ......

carrier of passengers
US Airways is the single largest carrier of passengers leaving Reagan. The port, once of great economical importance, is used for sport vessels, carrier of passengers and some boats for sa......

carry goods and passengers
The company was the first to take advantage of the 1900 Amendments to the Mining Act of 1898 which introduced provisions for tramways to carry goods and passengers in addition to mineral t......

carry passengers
The funicular carries passengers between the foot of the ( Sacr?CSur basilica. The guides carry passengers down Jamaica's Rio Grande on handmade bamboo rafts. She was used to carry passen......

conveyance of passengers
Four containers were used for the conveyance of passengers'baggage. There was considerable demand for the conveyance of passengers. The first railway coach constructed in Scotland for the ......

dead passengers
A 13-year-old was among the five dead passengers. The impact crushed the dead passengers beyond recognition, the report said. The nationality and identity of the dead passengers was not im......